• 31, Mirzo Tursunzoda, Dushanbe
  • Mon - Satday: 8.00 am to 5.00 pm.


The European Union The European Union is a major donor in the Republic of Tajikistan. Within the health sector, it has recently supported three major programmes with a total budget of EUR 56,9 million: • Support to Health Care Reform in Tajikistan (2010-2013, EUR 4,7 million) • Human Development Support Programme I (2011-2014, EUR 21,7 million) • Human Development Support Programme II (2014-2017, EUR 30,5 million) For more information about the activities of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Tajikistan, please check the factsheet or visit the addresses:

EU Fact Sheet

https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/countries/tajikistan_en; and
https://www.facebook.com/EUinTajikistan/. .

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